OMMA Global – Panel Review
Posted by Katie Morse on September 25th, 2009
Our CEO, Sang Kim, recently spoke on a panel entitled: “Joining the Party: Publishers Can Play and Prosper in the Social Media Sandbox” at OMMA Social.
Panel Details
In 2009, social networks like Twitter and Facebook evolved from “brand extensions” and “outreach” for major media into established publisher outposts that can drive traffic, user interaction, and now even ad revenues. But what best practices have emerged for managing these new syndication and relationship engines? This panel will look at issues including who mans the feed, who creates policies for maintaining voice and editorial consistency, and whether social nets are seen as an editorial operation or a way to market media brands. Lastly, this panel will give insight into whether social networks offer traditional content providers a new way of thinking about their own content and relationship to their audience. Last year, publishers scrambled to “plug into” the nets. This year they have to harness the energy.
Andrea Harrison, Strategy Director, Razorfish
Karl Lavin, Managing Editor, Forbes
Joe Pircilini, VP of Sales, seekingalpha
Sang Kim, Founder and CEO, Ripple6
Alan Levy, Founder & CEO, BlogTalkRadio
The panel focused on how publishers can use social tools to enhance their business objectives and what best practices have emerged through publisher activity so far.
The video of the “advice” question is below (5:30 in length), and some quotable excerpts are contained below.
“Social media a year and a half ago was a curse word. Now everyone’s embracing it” – Joe Porcilini, seekingalpha
“Within 15 minutes the critics were our marketers.”– Karl Lavin, Forbes
“Give the users a voice” – Sang Kim, Ripple6
“You have to add value to the user. That’s why they’re going to come back to your site” – Alan Levy, BlogTalkRadio