Archive for October, 2009

Webinar Invite: Combining the Power of Social Media with Online Advertising

Posted by Scott Markman on October 21st, 2009

If you’re looking for ways that social media can truly improve your marketing efforts, then you should attend this upcoming Webinar.

Combining the Power of
Social Media with Online Advertising

Date: Wednesday, October 28th, 2009
Time: 2:00 PM ET

You will learn about solutions and technology that create meaningful and measurable connections in social networks and how to extend your brand positioning into social advertising. These solutions can help you create self-sustaining assets that scale and connect across the web.  You’ll see how to invest in relationships with people who can return again and again – not just to engage with you, but with people who share passion for your brand.

Register today because seating is limited!

Quick and easy registration:

  1. Complete the online registration form.
  2. Check your email Inbox for the instructions to login to the webinar.

We’ll see you there!

Your Friends at Ripple6

If you want to learn more about the Ripple6 social networking platform, visit our site at

We’re Addicted to Our Friends

Posted by admin on October 7th, 2009

Sometimes, you hear something and you know it’s absolutely right. You don’t need proof, because it simply makes sense.  Done.

Sometimes, all of a sudden, you find proof.

This thought crossed my mind when I came across a research report on eMarketer, compiled by Beresford Research, covering “Use of Online Social Networks”  The title sure ain’t all that sexy, but this is what struck me:

When asked to compare online social networking with several offline activities, social network users only found going out with friends more important. That put social networking ahead of real-life activities such as playing games, reading, watching TV and playing sports.

So, ask yourself, what do you enjoy more than being with your friends?

graph for blog postThis small data point offered me some proof to what I heard back in the spring from Tim Young at the Inbound Marketing Summit in San Francisco.  What Tim said is something that I’ve been repeating ever since.

Tim is Founder & CEO of Socialcast and a very smart guy.  His gave a short speech in SF about Collective Creativity and Generation Y, and here’s the sound bite that struck me:

Young people aren’t addicted to Facebook, we’re addicted to our friends.

Think about it.  He’s right.  (And now he’s got the research to provide it).

For marketers looking to engage on Facebook, I think that creates a (maybe not so) small hurdle, because what users are there for could be just about anything.  Therefore, marketers may have a hard time being relevant.  But that’s a story for another day.

Today, I’ll look to hear something smart from Tim, because he and I are both speaking at the Inbound Marketing Summit in Boston.