Cloud Community Technology

Cloud Community technology is a proprietary patent-pending innovation. It enables community members to share content with their personal network, even if they exist outside community walls.  And it makes one community, its content and its membership accessible from almost anywhere on the Web.

What It Does

  • It allows you to syndicate entire sections of a site, including all of the content within them, the interactions surrounding them, and the members engaged in them.
  • It enables a single conversation and the input of every member to be spread across multiple sites.
  • It makes communities and their content to grow more quickly.


  • Build scale through syndication; your community grows members and content with each syndicated point.
  • Content integrates with existing social networks
  • Generate Insights through Ripple Analytics

Cloud Communities can be deployed as a widget as well. These can place your community or a content area in a widget to be syndicated out and provide another access point for people to interact with your content.

Spread the content and everything going on around it (discussion, uploads, members, ratings, etc…) out to other sites in your network, in the Ripple6 network, and anywhere out on the Internet. The community and the interaction get spread, as well as the content. It creates the most scalable communities anywhere.